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2 Search results for Email templating

Version: 4.6    Build: 5    Release Date: 06/10/2011     Type: New     View All Features in Build
Added several Misc Access rights for the new E-Mail Templating features which are CannotCreatePublicEmailTemplates, CannotModifyPublicEmailTemplates, CannotDeletePublicEmailTemplates, CannotViewOthersEmailTemplates, CannotCreatePublicEmailSnippets, CannotModifyPublicEmailSnippets, CannotDeletePublicEmailSnippets, and CannotViewOthersEmailSnippets.
Version: 4.6    Build: 5    Release Date: 06/10/2011     Type: New     View All Features in Build
Email templating system. Under the Tools->Customize E-Mail Templates menu you can now customize all the emails that QuoteWerks sends. The E-mail Templates window can stay open while sending e-mails in QuoteWerks making it easy to quickly make adjustments and preview the results. There are System, Public and user E-Mail templates. System Email Templates are templates like "SYS_EmailQuote", "SYS_EmailPeerReviewRequest", etc. These are the templates that are used when sending these types of emails. The System templates can be directly modified by users with Master Rights. If individual users want their own versions of these templates, they simply clone the System template which creates a copy with the same name, but it is owned by the user. Then, when sending these types of emails, if the user has a template with the same name like "SYS_EmailQuote", then that template will be used. Users can also create their own templates to be used from the Send Email window. There is now a new "Select Template" dropdown on the Send Email window. When a template is selected, the subject and body of the email will be updated with the information from the template. We've introduced a feature called "Template Contexts". Imagine you create a whole bunch of email templates, some that you use when emailing a quote, some that you use when emailing an invoice, some that you use when emailing a management report, etc. If we just listed all the templates, it would be a massive list of templates to choose from that were not relevant to what you were doing. With the Templates Contexts feature, you choose when the template appears in the list of templates to choose from. Public templates can also be created. Public templates would be templates that most users would want to use, typically with company standardized information in them. So, rather than each user create their own copy with the same information, the administrator could just create a Public template that all the users could use. The real benefit here is that changes can be made in one template, and all the users now are using the updated template. Public templates (based on their context) will appear in the list of templates for all users on the Send Email window. The E-Mail templating system only supports HTML formatted text. Because of this, the default "Message Format" option for "HTML" or "Plain text" has been removed. This was located under the Tools->My Preferences, Email tab, and then Defaults subttab. With the introduction of the Email Templates feature set, this setting is no longer relevant. The Email format can still be changed on the Send Email window from HTML to Plain text, thereby stripping out any HTML formatting.